Syrian Parliament Completes Voting For Presidential Candidates

Syrian Parliament Completes Voting For Presidential Candidates

DAMASCUS, Apr 30 (NNN-SANA) – The Syrian parliament completed yesterday, voting for candidates for the upcoming presidential elections.

A total of 51 people, including Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, submitted applications to parliament, over the past 10 days.

Remarkably, seven women submitted applications, marking the first time women in Syria running for the presidential elections.

Candidates qualified to entre the election need to win 35 votes from the parliament lawmakers.

As the lawmakers completed voting, the ballot box has been handed over to the Higher Constitutional Court to do the counting. The voting result is set to be announced within five days, Jihad al-Laham, head of the Higher Constitutional Court, told reporters.

On Apr 18, the Syrian parliament announced the Syrian presidential elections will be held in May.

Election day for Syrians abroad is set on May 20, while for Syrians in the country, on May 26.– NNN-SANA


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