Chinese Envoy Calls For Resumption Of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

Chinese Envoy Calls For Resumption Of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 22 (NNN-XINHUA) – A Chinese envoy called for the resumption of peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

As close neighbours that cannot physically move away from each other, Palestinians and Israelis must adhere to the strategic option of peace talks, and relaunch equal-footed dialogue without delay, said Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the UN.

China welcomes initiative by Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to convene an international peace conference early next year, and commends the two parties for restarting civil and security cooperation and resuming the transfer of tax revenues, he told a Security Council meeting on the Middle East.

International players must remain impartial and objective, and work in good faith to advance the Middle East peace process. Any solution to the Palestinian question must heed voices of regional countries, especially the Palestinians, accommodate the concerns of all parties, and must not be imposed on any party.

The relevant UN resolutions, the land-for-peace principle, and the two-state solution, which represents the wisdom and painstaking work of generations, must be observed and implemented, said Geng.

China notes with concern the continuation and significant expansion of settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territory. China calls on all parties concerned, to abide by the UN resolutions, settle the final delineation of the Palestinian-Israeli borders, through peaceful negotiations, refrain from unilateral actions that may aggravate tensions, abandon annexation plans, and cease settlement activities.

The past few months have witnessed increased demolitions of Palestinian houses and violence against civilians. China urges the authorities concerned to immediately lift the blockade on Gaza, stop demolishing Palestinian houses and destroying Palestinian property, and prevent acts of violence against civilians, he said.

The international community must place high on its agenda the economic and humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 on Palestinians. China applauds the unremitting efforts of the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA), to improve the Palestinian humanitarian situation. At this very moment, when UNRWA is under tremendous financial strain, the world needs to honour its commitments and pitch in with financial contributions, to help the agency tide over the current difficulties, said Geng.

Since the start of this year, China provided multiple shipments of personal protective equipment and other anti-pandemic supplies to Palestinians, sent in health experts, and donated to UNRWA. Recently, the anti-pandemic supplies provided by the Chinese government to UNRWA-affiliated health institutions and the health kits via UNRWA for Palestine refugees in various countries, have been delivered, he said.

China is ready to continue working with the international community, in an unwavering effort towards a comprehensive, just and lasting solution of the Palestinian question, at an early date, he said.– NNN-XINHUA


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