Palestinians rally in West Bank in support of PLO, President Abbas

Palestinians rallying in the West Bank in support of the PLO and President Abbas.

RAMALLAH, Feb 25 (NNN-WAFA) – Thousands of Palestinians rallied throughout the West Bank Sunday in support of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and President Mahmoud Abbas in light of efforts to undermine their authority.

Thousands, who heeded calls by President Abbas’ Fatah movement to take to the streets to show support for the PLO and Abbas, rallied in the northern West Bank cities of Tulkarm, Jenin and Toubas and in Hebron in the south of the West Bank hoisting the Palestinian and the yellow Fatah flags.

The rallies were seen as reaffirmation of the authority of both the PLO and Abbas in light of attempts by Hamas and other radical Palestinian factions to undermine their authority by claiming that they do not represent the Palestinian people.

Speakers at the rally condemned Hamas for speaking about against the PLO’s representation of the Palestinian people and of Abbas as the elected president. They called on Hamas to return to the national fold and work for the general good of Palestine at a time schemes are being plotted against the future of the Palestinian people.

Member of Fatah Central Committee and the PLO’s Executive Committee, Azzam al-Ahmad, told Voice of Palestine today that Hamas has gone too far in inciting against Abbas and by attempting to play the role of the PLO.

He accused Hamas of going along with the American so-called deal of the century, which he says calls for establishing a miniature Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip that will extend into the Sinai with land swap land in the Naqab desert in the south of Israel, which, he stressed, was rejected by Egypt.

He said Hamas seeks to weaken the PLO so that it can pass the deal of the century, stressing that this will not happen and the PLO will be able to defeat this plan as it did many other previous schemes.

He said Hamas’ moves were exposed in the recent Moscow meeting of the Palestinian factions and that it was also able to influence the Islamic Jihad in what he said was plotting against the national cause. — NNN-WAFA


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