Iraq Reports 1,815 New Covid-19 Cases, 566,015 In Total

Iraq Reports 1,815 New Covid-19 Cases, 566,015 In Total

BAGHDAD, Dec 8 (NNN-NINA) – The Iraqi Ministry of Health, reported yesterday, 1,815 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total nationwide infections to 566,015.

The ministry also reported 28 new deaths and 2,158 recovered cases, raising the death toll to 12,460 and the total recoveries to 495,725.

A total of 3,705,069 tests have been carried out, since the outbreak of the disease in Feb, with 33,415 done during the day, according to the ministry’s statement.

Earlier, the Health Ministry attributed the increase of infections to the public’s failure to comply with health instructions, and to a stronger testing capacity, with the increase of labs in Baghdad and other provinces.

Iraq has taken a series of measures to contain the pandemic since Feb, when the first case appeared in the country.– NNN-NINA


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