Western allies say China broke Hong Kong deal by ousting lawmakers

Western allies say China broke Hong Kong deal by ousting lawmakers

WASHINGTON, Nov 20 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States, Britain,
Australia, Canada and New Zealand accused China of violating its
legally binding international commitments by ousting pro-democracy lawmakers from Hong Kong’s legislature.

The foreign ministers of the five allies said China was going against its
1984 promise that it would preserve autonomy in the financial hub after the then British colony’s handover in 1997.

The removal of four opposition lawmakers triggered the en masse
resignation of their remaining colleagues, the latest move in a deepening
crackdown against Beijing’s critics following last year’s huge and often
violent democracy protests.

“China’s action is a clear breach of its international obligations under
the legally binding, UN-registered Sino-British Joint Declaration,” the
nations said in a joint statement, reiterating individual remarks.

The foreign ministers said the latest move appeared to be part of a
“concerted campaign to silence all critical voices” in the financial hub.

“For the sake of Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity, it is essential
that China and the Hong Kong authorities respect the channels for the people of Hong Kong to express their legitimate concerns and opinions,” they said.

China promised to rule Hong Kong via a “One Country, Two Systems” model
that would allow the city to retain key freedoms and autonomy from the
authoritarian mainland until 2047.

Western allies say that agreement has been prematurely shredded by the
clampdown, which has included a broad national security law that was imposed directly by Beijing in June.

The law has since all but wiped out dissent against Chinese rule in the
territory and left swathes of the population too scared to speak out, fearing
being jailed or disappearing into the mainland’s opaque legal system.

China’s leaders deny breaching their pre-handover promises and say Western powers have no right to interfere in how the global trade hub is run.

The lawmaker disqualifications are the latest move by China to ramp up
direct oversight of a city where growing numbers seethe against its rule.

Last week, China’s parliament body issued a decree that local authorities
could expel any politician deemed a threat to national security without
having to go via the courts.

Minutes later, Hong Kong authorities used the new powers.

Only half the legislature’s seats are elected by popular vote, a mechanism
designed to ensure a permanent pro-Beijing majority.

But the subsequent solidarity resignations of the pro-democracy opposition
turned the once-feisty legislature into a muted gathering of Beijing

Police have also started to bring prosecutions against opposition
lawmakers for protests in the chamber with seven charged so far this month.

Three were arrested on Wednesday for hurling foul-smelling liquid earlier
this year in an attempt to halt a debate on a law criminalising insults
against China’s national anthem.

China has defended the removal of opposition lawmakers as “the right
medicine”. — NNN-AGENCIES


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